Monday, January 17, 2011

Turning 30

The age is not something I am looking forward to. Maybe I am being silly because to some 30 isn't old at all. But when I was younger I thought 30 would be a big deal.I should be more scared of turning 40 or 50.But 30 is hard enough to wrap my head around right now. The majority of people I know that have died were in thier early 60's. When you look at it that way...There went half of my life??????

So is the glass half empty or half full...depends on the day. Especially with everything that I have gone through in the last 30 years.

So here is my attempt at looking at it as half full.I have made it a point to stress to the husband that I want to get away just him and I for my birthday. We are hoping to have the money to spend the night at the coast.I am a little stressed out worrying if I will be able to afford it. I know he doesn't have a plan b for if we don't have the money and that upsets me a little bit too. wish me luck! I'll let you know how it went.

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